I'm currently an A-Level student, in Malaysia, about to go off to university. I've lived in South Korea, Australia and England prior to this. My current subjects are English, History and Biology. I also wander around amongst Psychology textbooks and articles. I hope to become published, one day, and have applied for several combined English undergraduate courses. Travelling, reading, and writing are my hobbies.
I'm monotheistic. I believe firmly in equality for all, regardless of race, religion, gender and sexual orientation. I think human issues - whether global or self-contained - are a huge part of everyday life and that we should constantly develop our awareness of such issues to generate support and tolerance in society. As such, I'm an advocate of learning. As such, there is no such thing as justified discrimination for anyone.
I've always been an avid reader, devouring Enid Blyton, H.G. Wells and, soon after, J.K. Rowling. From there, my reading expanded and by the age of eleven, I had started writing small stories for myself.
Although I did dabble in photography and drawing, my passions remained true to writing. Of course, I had begun to read even more - Nabokov, Hosseini, Shakespeare, Browning, Plath, Swineburne, Cummings, Siken, are just some names - and hadn't limited myself to just 'creative' reading.
My biggest inspirations are Richard Siken, e e cummings and Swineburne. They each have such a profound impact, through their words and organisation and I've tried to do more than just incorporate it into my work - I've tried to use these techniques to create messages and feelings of my own.
Currently, my work on inkstainedskin is mostly autobiographical. I'm working on pieces now that incorporate a lot more, but writing is a huge catharsis from me so I find it difficult to divorce myself from writing about that. Some of my poetry is, as Cummings once similarly put it, for him and me and no one else. I still hope that everyone can connect to it, somehow, because love and hate and hurt are universal, regardless of blood and gender and race.
I genuinely hope you enjoy this portfolio. If there are any enquiries, please email me at: juniperwriting@yahoo.com
- Safira B